Please check these blogs out:
Mo Rage (because everyone can use a little Mo.)
The Little Cog (a San Fran conservative?)
Halfway There (great writer, isn't on nearly enough blogrolls.)
Glad You Asked (magnificently irreverent.)
In The Moment (a Nebraska Public Defender - Go Big Red!)
I visit all these blogs regularly and I approve this message.
Catch you later.....
Jeepers, GOPnot4me. Non sum dignus. But many thanks for the kind plug.
you are too kind -- "glad you asked" is all verklempt!
talk amongst yourselves ...
hey, thanks, GOP. that's terrific.
Dear Zeno,
You are Dignus Maximus.
Dear aarrgghh,
You're the mensch.
Dear Mo,
Next time I get to K.C. (brother there, more like a cousin, if you know what I mean) let's get BBQ!
I never get to Arthur Bryants, my brother always wants to try some new place that always falls short.
My warm regards and thanks to each of you.
GOPnot4me (MZ)
added to my rss reader
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