From Justin Webb's BBC Blog:
Laughs aside, the platform of the Texas Republicans as revealed here by one of the Lone Star State's finest political reporters, leaves no doubt about where the zeitgeist is not in 2008.
None of this stuff - intelligent design and abortion and gay marriage, let alone banning nudies in DC art galleries - sings in 2008.
A party with these folks at its heart is a party in trouble. And so is a party with such deep apparent misgivings about the boss going into the election.
The Republicans might tell themselves, reasonably, that McCain can win and might win, but it cannot happen by magic or by default or by act of Fox News, and the issue that we will look back on as his ticket to the White House (Iraq? Gas Prices? Healthcare?) is not clear to me at the moment...
from the Dallas Morning News, June 13, 2008:
HOUSTON – Robert Hurt went to Washington and didn't like what he saw – nudity in the nation's capital.
"Nude women, sculptured women," he told the state Republican platform committee, which sat in rapt attention....
...The GOP platform will be presented today to the full convention. Like all platforms, it's a statement of principle and a political document to rally the troops....
...In this, a presidential year, it advocates prayer in school, getting out of the United Nations, teaching intelligent design with evolution in science classes, repealing of the minimum wage, declaring illegal immigrants criminals and outlawing abortion with no exceptions.
"Hallelujah!" said a delegate who had urged strong anti-abortion language....
...The platform calls homosexuality contrary to "the unchanging truths" ordained by God. It opposes gay marriage, civil unions and the custody of children by gays....
..."There is no substitute for victory!" the platform says in supporting the Bush administration's war on "radical Islamist terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries around the world."
God, Guns, Gays! Just when I think my opinion of Texas can go no lower, I run across this.
What a bunch of mealy-mouthed hypocrites! A friend who was raised in Texas once told me, "My Daddy always said, whenever you do business with someone who claims to be a good christian businessman, keep both hands on your wallet!"
Catch you later.....
1 comment:
Funny picture :)
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