From the Times of London:
Whether we're left or right-wing, we use strong political beliefs to exonerate our own personal nastiness...
...All you need is a book (or a handy digest, which I will try to provide) written by a research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Peter Schweizer.
...He has a simple and arresting theme, supported by artfully selected research. In Makers and Takers he says that conservatives are, in their private behaviour, superior to liberals: “Conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more and are less materialistic.” Liberals are narcissistic, selfish and grasping. They think benefit cheating is fine and prefer charities that campaign to those that actually help the poor. They sleep around, hate marriage and family and - “according to research carried out at Princeton University” - hug their children less. “My wife,” chortles the author, “thinks they're too busy hugging trees.”...
...Conservatives, meanwhile, are a benign cadre of honest Cheeryble brothers: giving to the poor, caring for their parents. Left-wing ideology corrupts, concludes Mr Schweizer on raising his head from “America's premier social research database”. He joyfully quotes Orwell's gloriously intemperate observation that “the mere words socialism and communism draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, nature-cure quack, pacifist and feminist in England”...
...And none of this means that there is anything innately wrong with the Left or the Right, or religion, science or gay pride. The fact is that deep down we are all a bit nasty and selfish. When we use ideologies to camouflage what should be our shame, any belief will do. Mr Schweizer calls his book Makers and Takers. He should have admitted that every banner also shelters fakers, snakes and haters: unoriginal sinners all."
I've been so busy hugging trees, I haven't had time to force gay abortions on Christian virgins or even take my neighbor's guns then sell his children to the Mexican slavers. Not to mention what I was going to force his wife to do with the falafel.
Sheesh, catch you later.....
1 comment:
Ha! Use a loofah. It's more conservative! :o)
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