This sort of thing is disgusting. I sincerely fear one of these nut jobs is going to do something truly horrendous. I lived through the assassinations of President Kennedy, RFK and Martin Luther King. To wish or hope for such a thing is beyond treason. It's inhuman and evil.
To associate such sentiments with the Star of David is especially disgusting.
This is an abuse of free speech just as much as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. It should earn a visit from the Secret Service PDQ.
Catch you later.....

Those are the most disgusting, ignorant, irresponsible rants I've seen.
Man, I hope the Secret Service can handle this. I fear the quantity of these is going to spike, at least for a time.
God help us.
Mo Rage
the blog
As much as I loathed GWB, I never thought assassination, treason, or revolution was even close to an option. We did what the Constitution called for: voted 'em out. And they can't stand it.
That's hideous! And agreed about Little Bush. I only wanted him to held accountable legally!!!!
I agree. This world is spinning a bit out of control and there's too many whack-jobs out there communicating via the net, feeding off each others' small mindedness. You'd think in the Information Age, ignorance would diminish. Yet no. It flourishes.
Plato said; Any good Republic is built and strengthened by the hands of the singular citizen, but also it is destroyed by that same man. Passion must be governed, and only through education can destruction from within be thwarted. Those aren't his exact words though, but I agree with him.
You know, I think that that is way over the limit. You don't need to assasinate the man. Just impeach him. I think all reasonably intellectual people can agree he sucks at being president. He did nothing that he said he would and things such as universal healthcare that he DID do, are just going to dig us into a deeper hole than we're already in (believe it or not!). We are already seeing the effects of U.H. And whats this about not wanting his child to be punished with a baby?? The epitome of a heartless person. Why does it have to be a punishment? Give it up for adoption. Obama is a horrible leader whether or not YOU want to believe it. He got in office because he speaks well. He had way over 50% of the votes. But look at his approval rating now...
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