More photos from the DC rally here.
And visit The Political Carnival for even more.
Doesn't seem to be the crowd we were told to expect, eh?
Catch you later.....
UPDATE: Even more here, H/T to BlueGal.

"I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat." Will Rogers
And don't dare confuse a picture of the Million Man March with the teabirthers. THAT really pisses 'em off if you think they're black.
Nancy Pelosi's heartfelt expression of fear of violence in the public sector is now taken by Faux News and the haters as a provocation or justification and not as a caution. Un-freakin'-believable. Forget "Are we of the same country?". I feel like,"Are we of the same planet?".
The ultra left wing and their ultra right wing friends are both equally irrelevant. Get a grip people.
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