My email to the President:
After 35+ years as a health care provider, I want to let you know that I am strongly in favor of single-payer.
And now I hear you are about to cede the Public Option to the children who holler the loudest.
Shame on you, sir, shame.
This is, in the end, a National Security issue.
Be strong, do the right thing, you'll have no regrets.
Let us down, your re-election and the election of real Democrats becomes much less likely.
And we, as a nation, cannot afford to return to the policies of those who have robbed the middle-class blind, lied us into war, broken the law, diminished our world standing, trampled on the Constitution and turned us, one against the other, for their own selfish gain.
You were elected, by us, to do a job, as a man of principle.
Stand up for those principles, fight the good fight and we're with you.
Lead, sir, for god sake, lead.
Respectfully, M. Z. (GOPnot4me.Blogspot.com)
I asked for a reply. If received, it will be posted.
I'm pretty pissed right now.
And I can assure you, tomorrow will bring our clinic more battles with those greedy bastards at the insurance companies, their minimum wage claim deniers and the for-profit bureaucrats that pay them to give the subscriber and provider the least they can legally get away with.
I wonder how hard it is to learn Danish?
Catch you later.....